
Colouring Book

Most kids I’ve met like colouring books. Many of them also have very decided ideas about what they want to wear and not, and having a Mum who sews them dresses quite quickly lead to requests about how to design the things sewn for them.

My kids are no exception to this rule and when I sewed dresses for them for Christmas two or so years ago I got barraged with opinions and requests for “a red dress with a yellow sash and blue hems and could you put polka dots there and stripes on the inside – no, wait make that checks, no flowers”.

It quickly got old, and I thought there had to be a better way, and while I was playing around with my Oliver + S PDF-files I realised I could extract the line drawings from the back side and print them for the kids to colour in to their hearts content before deciding on what they would like me to make.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when a friend asked if there was a way to do just this I volunteered to extract and enlarge line drawings from all patterns I have bought as PDFs over the years from Oliver + S.

It bothered me however, not to have a complete collection (I started buying patterns from Oliver + S before it was cool before there were PDF-patterns) so I contacted Todd and Liesl, asking if they had the line drawings available for download – and they did!

So this weekend I have cobbled together a colouring book with the complete (this far) collection and you can find it here.


 The file above is fairly large, and there is a compressed version here. So go ahead and download and print out as you like. I would love to see what your kids design so why not upload it to Instagram with the hashtag #coloringoliverands or if you prefer #colouringoliverands.

12 thoughts on “Colouring Book

  1. You are a legend, Lotta! Thank you so much for taking your precious time to do this, I know my kids are going to LOVE it! And I am sure I will be using these for myself, too.

  2. Hi Lotta, I’m very late to the party! 🤣 I just came across the Oliver + s website where it mentioned your coloring book, so I came here. But I can’t seem to download it. It’s a fantastic idea for visualising fabrics, well done! 💗

    1. Hi! Thanks! It looks like I deleted it from my Dropbox. I’ll do a deep dive on my server this weekend and upload it again. Will let you know!

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